The Best Obsess

How to rise above a sea of similarity by identifying and highlighting what makes this brand truly different

Project Overview

In a category of look-alikes, lacking a clear differentiator is the kiss of death. We found a way to lift WHOOP out of the messy middle, shine a light on its key differences, increase its perceived value and help it dramatically surpass all its performance goals.

Challenge and execution

The wearables market has had over 20 years to mature. By 2022 the category’s global value reached USD 68.7 billion, and that number is expected to triple by 2030. In such a huge, crowded market, differentiation is key.

WHOOP was getting in the noise of this oversaturated competitive arena where everything feels the same. Those who were aware of WHOOP thought of it as just another cross-fit device aimed at affluent, straight white males.

Our strategy was to change that perception by targeting a more diverse audience, focusing on the brand’s differentiators, and demonstrating how WHOOP’s unique user experience sets it apart from the rest.

One of the key insights our research revealed is that we live in a culture of obsession. We wear our obsessions as badges of honour, as signs that we are ambitious, disciplined and hyper-focused. And we’re not just talking about elite athletes. We could be talking about art, business, science, technology or any field of human endeavor.

To leverage this obsession with obsession, WHOOP measures what is scientifically proven to make a significant impact on your physical and mental health.  Based on your sleep, strain, performance and recovery data, WHOOP Coach uses machine learning to deliver personalized advice about what you should be doing next, making it the only wearable that allows you to customize what you track. WHOOP delivers over 99% heart rate and HRV tracking accuracy and gold-standard sleep tracking, making it one of the most powerful, most accurate, and most wearable human performance tools you can buy.

Our idea was to build a brand narrative that would appeal to high achievers of every stripe. The campaign’s opening :30 video features clips of its brand ambassadors, including elite athletes like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and footballer Virgil Van Dyke, but also health entrepreneur Melissa Urban showing us what obsession looks like, ending on the words “Anyone has what it takes to be the best. Only the best obsess.”

Leveraging events like the Women’s World Cup, Giro d’Italia and Tour de France, the campaign built momentum on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok, featuring posts and podcasts by brand ambassadors focused on the product’s collection and display of sleep, strain, performance and recovery data.


The campaign exceeded all expectations:

Over 200%

Surpassed U.S. brand awareness and brand search goals


Web traffic and sales growth goals